Thursday, April 23, 2020

Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca CRIC: Life, Territory, Community!

April 22, 2020
Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca 


"We generate resistance, we defend life, territory and community"

For years, the Indigenous Peoples have been stigmatized in different social spaces, yet our call today is to life, unity and the implementation of strategies that work in favor of the country's social sector.

The Mixed Commission and the CRIC Senior Council, meeting in virtual sessions in discussion regarding strengthening our different strategies to face the implications that the appearance of COVID-19 has generated, discussed several important points in this emergency situation and how organized communities can contribute.

One of the most striking situations is the measures taken by the Government led by Iván Duque: “We are concerned that the Government is trying to use the emergency to consolidate the unions and not strengthen the social dynamics of indigenous peoples and campesinos of the country” said Jorge Eliécer Sánchez.

Therefore, the aim is to establish mechanisms that allow strengthening the Indigenous Guard for the purpose of territorial control, adapting our own health systems, strengthening our own internal government systems supported by our own economies, and planning towards the external issues of marketing and supplying cities with cultivated products from our territories.

At the regional and national level, we Indigenous Peoples are stigmatized for our actions, but today, we are called to think about the importance of the campesino and the Indigenous Peoples of the country: “We generate resistance, we defend life, territory, community and today we also contribute to the country at large our grain of sand in the face of this emergency ”.

By CRIC Communications Program

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