of the
Luis Fernando Camacho [via Twitter]
La Paz, Bolivia – “Pachamama will never return to the palace,” said Luis Fernando Camacho, leader of the Bolivian opposition movement that forced the Bolivian president out of office on Sunday. “Bolivia belongs to Christ.” Camacho has been using his Christian faith as a rallying cry to solidify support. He has vowed to purge indigenous religious beliefs from Bolivian government and, as he says, “return God to the burned palace.
October 16, 2019
a White House reception President Trump promised that the October holiday will
remain Columbus Day: “The daring spirit that built our great civilization.”
Challenging the Master’s
Coup d’Continent
The coup d’Etat
in Bolivia is an extrapolation and extenuation in today's time of the collapse
of the neoliberal project across the planet of the Doctrine of Discovery of
Christendom of 1492 and the continuation of 527 years of colonialism
and genocide against Indigenous Peoples by the successor states to the
doctrine in the Americas.
The coup in
Bolivia is the last gasp of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, the same year
that the US Supreme Court under Chief Justice Marshall set the Doctrine of
Discovery in the Johnson v. M’Intosh decision as fundamental to
all property law in the US system of jurisprudence and jurisdiction. The Monroe
Doctrine is the continental extrapolation of the Doctrine of Discovery of
Christendom, now being re-invoked in the supranational neoliberal corporate
context of the Divine Right of States: OAS Settler States [Americas].
Codified by the
doctrine of the Divine Right of States, aka the Westphalian System of State
Sovereignty (United Nations) the states of the Americas (OAS) have
presented themselves to the international community as immune to the
requirement under international law to rectify the Crime Against Humanity of
colonialism as mandated in UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 ((1960):
"All peoples have the right to self-determination."
UN Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007): "Indigenous Peoples, equal to all
other peoples.....have the right to self-determination."
the continental settler state schema which is known in Latin America as the "Estado Criollo", lurches deeper into genocide via Bolsonaro in Brazil and
Camacho in Bolivia, in alignment with the agenda of the White Christian Evangelical
leadership that directs the movement from the pulpits of public power that
support Donald Trump in the north.
In this geopolitical
schema, the electoral systems of the states, "democratic" or not, are
marketing mechanisms, they represent the commodification of constituencies to
be manipulated, managed, and eventually bought and sold in order to serve the
interests of the cultural and economic elites that will use any means necessary
to hold on to the reins of power derived from the continental Coup
d'Continent of "White Supremacy"="Christian
Domination" that began on October 12, 1492.
White Supremacy and the Doctrine of Discovery
The declaration of
DOMINION over territory, a prerequisite in the Westphalian System of
International Law (1648) wherein the Sovereign State serves as the matrix of
geopolitical power relationships among the elites, still functions in the form
of what is now called the United Nations System, a global system of governance
whose membership is comprised of mutually recognized government states
exercising state sovereignty.
In Mexico the normalization and
institutionalization of the Doctrine of Discovery which began with the Vice
Royalty of New Spain was continued in the formation of the Mexican Constitution
of 1917, where the dogma of the Alexandrian Bulls is reaffirmed in supremacy
over the territorial rights of the Indigenous Peoples. In the US legal system,
the same effect was achieved in 1823 with the US Supreme Court decision Johnson
v. M’Intosh (1823). With the Monroe Doctrine, also in 1823, the geopolitical
schema of supremacy codified in the Doctrine of Discovery of Christendom was
extended across the continent, with the distinction that no longer would the
Royal Families of Christendom be controlling the implementation and
perpetuation of the doctrine, from then on the power of hegemony over the
hemisphere would shift to Washington, DC and Uncle Sam.

This preliminary
study establishes that the Doctrine of Discovery has been institutionalized in
law and policy, on national and international levels, and lies at the root of
the violations of indigenous peoples’ human rights, both individual and
collective. This has resulted in State claims to and the mass appropriation of
the lands, territories and resources of indigenous peoples. Both the Doctrine
of Discovery and a holistic structure that we term the Framework of Dominance
have resulted in centuries of virtually unlimited resource extraction from the
traditional territories of indigenous peoples. This, in turn, has resulted in
the dispossession and impoverishment of indigenous peoples, and the host of
problems that they face today on a daily basis.
matters, it is not only illegal but if the future of Humanity is to be realized
within a collective and life affirming culture of mutual respect for the
natural world which we share equally in responsibility, the DOGMA of DOMINION
which gave birth to the concept as a norm of “civilized man” aka the “White
Man’s Burden” must be challenged and dismantled. Regurgitated by the
institutionalized racism of the settler states of America and sanctified by the
dogma of cultural supremacy of European American Christendom, the “chosen
people” of the “City on the Hill” are called to continue to play out their role
as minions of nefarious Doctrine of Discovery.
The insidious nature
of the pogrom extends to the point where even the colonizing construct of
“Latin America” has subverted the self determination and Nationhood of Original
Nations Abya Yala by the Genizaro Republics of the Americas and their radical
ideologues of both the right and left of the Game of Thrones: The concept of
State Sovereignty via Westphalia 1648.
We declare our
INTERDEPENDENCE and Solidarity as Peoples of Mother Earth and call for the
recognition, respect, and protection for the particular and integral
constituencies of our Peoples of Mother Earth as represented in our
responsibilities to the Watersheds, the Earth:Waters and Single Sea
(hydrosphere) of the planet, beyond the disjointed and corrupt constraints of
the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in the UN system and
the present international architectures of personality and procedures of
negotiation and agreements;
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