Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Christopher Columbus and the Original Proud Boys Gang


The Legend of Truth and the Doctrines of Power

Kings and Kingdoms:

Doctrine and Domination


The history of transition from a chartered colony of Christendom, to a territory ruled by force of violent invasion by the European American “white” colonizers, to the formation of a polity of statehood and subsequent admission into the union of states called the USA, also required a systemic mechanism to control the allegiances, nationality and citizenship of the constituencies of the new republic as a whole. In the absence of the absolute command of allegiance of the Sovereign, in this case King George of England, the colonies broke from the modus operandi of the cartel of the Divine Right of Kings (Christendom). It became necessary to format the public consciousness in a systematic manner, manufacturing consent for the rationalization and expansion of territorial dominion via political acts of allegiance to the Divine Right of States. It became necessary to manufacture the mythology of America.


The bioregion surrounding El Paso is a territory of profound millennial and ecological significance for the Indigenous Peoples, as is the entirety of the watershed of the Rio Grande in its totality and sacredness.

This human bond of sacredness which is carried forward in the spirit of the World Water Ways of Mother Earth we saw emerge in the Dakota Access Pipeline fight: Water of Life, the Prayer Heard Around the World. And in the bloody carnage of the massacre on August 5, 2018 in El Paso at the hands of a D.Trump incited white supremacist, we are moved with the same spirit beyond the rain of tears to respond in compassion, empathy, and justice to bring about the necessary healing that the author Hill Fletcher invokes in her writings on American white supremacy as a social pathology.

Yet as in any form of pathology, a diagnosis of the nature and source of the pathogen is necessary to effectively move towards healing, and not just treat the symptoms. Critically, it must be acknowledged that the social pathology of European colonization of the Americas will require a multigenerational collective cultural response. The crime of colonialism requires decolonization. Colonization cannot be reformed; it must be ended. And although five centuries of colonization will not be brought to an end in one generation, the borders of colonization cannot break the human bond of sacredness which binds us still today as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth.


United Nations

Preliminary Study on the Impact of the Doctrine of Discovery

This preliminary study establishes that the Doctrine of Discovery has been institutionalized in law and policy, on national and international levels, and lies at the root of the violations of indigenous peoples’ human rights, both individual and collective. This has resulted in State claims to and the mass appropriation of the lands, territories and resources of indigenous peoples. Both the Doctrine of Discovery and a holistic structure that we term the Framework of Dominance have resulted in centuries of virtually unlimited resource extraction from the traditional territories of indigenous peoples. This, in turn, has resulted in the dispossession and impoverishment of indigenous peoples, and the host of problems that they face today on a daily basis.



Elements of Process: A Dismantling Methodology

1) Information: Search, Research, Intake, Absorb, Share.

2) Consciousness: Develop a personal critical consciousness on the issues which are pervaded by the institutionalization of the Doctrine of Discovery from the local-regional, continental-global context.

3) Reveal: Create a shared community understanding on how the dehumanizing principles of the Doctrine of Discovery are relevant today and continue to provide the cultural framework for the ongoing colonization and genocide of the Original Nations of this continent, the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala.

4) Take a position. Denounce and repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and the underlying pathological schema of patriarchy: DOMINATION.

5) DISMANTLE: Take action, and follow through with inter-generational decolonization strategies.

First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples 1990

Declaration of Quito 

The existing nation states of the Americas, their constitutions and fundamental laws are judicial/political expressions that negate our socio-economic, cultural and political rights.

From this point in our general strategy of struggle, we consider it to be a priority that we demand complete structural change; change which recognizes the inherent right to self-determination through Indigenous self-government and through the control of our territories.

Our problems will not be resolved through the self-serving politics of governmental entities which seek integration and ethno-development. It is necessary to have an integral transformation at the level of the state and national society; that is to say, the creation of a new concept of nationhood.

In this gathering it has been clear that territorial rights are a fundamental demand of the Indigenous Peoples of the Abya Yala [Americas].

Based on these aforementioned reflections, the organizations united in the First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples reaffirm:



The Treaty of Teotihuacan




22 September 2020



It is time to pierce the mantle of darkness and pathology of a system of relationships between human beings and the natural world of Mother Earth that has led us all to the climate crisis which has overwhelmed the planet. The Covid-19 pandemic has its origin in the deforestation caused by the overextension of the human habitat of domination over the other life forms of the earth.  The loss of a common consciousness among all human beings as being integral and responsible to the laws of the natural world is the root of the problem.

But the power of equilibrium is not lost. It is simply that the collective consciousness of humanity has become disoriented with a geopolitical, economic and social model that pretends to be dominant of nature, reducing us to being consumers of the goods of Mother Earth instead of being her respectful children. The schema of materialism is a psychological pathology that produces fragmented and maladaptive social relationships, not synchronized with the rhythms of Mother Earth and the cosmos. 



So, let’s suppose there is a successful campaign to change “Columbus Day” to “Indigenous Peoples Day” but the ongoing system of domination is not made a focus of that campaign. Suppose the domination system does not get addressed as the problem that needs to be rectified and ended. The day after “Columbus Day” has been changed to “Indigenous Peoples Day” it will seem as if some significant shift has occurred, when, in fact, the underlying system of domination will not have been touched or even brought into focus.

If we continue to use the language that merely reinforce the existing framework of domination, then what have we truly achieved? Now is the time to begin identifying the framework of domination, while at the same time challenging the false claim that the claim of a right of domination is valid.



Architectures of the States and the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth


As Peoples of Mother Earth, we collectively determine to regenerate our relationships among ourselves within a Cultural Climate of Mutual Respect, Inclusion, Complementarity, and Self Determination beyond the existing constrains of the international systems of state sovereignty and in responsibility to the well-being of the future generations;

Recognizing that unless this fundamental dimension of international relationships among human societies at the planetary level is first recognized, established and affirmed, there will be no sustainable progress in addressing effectively and in timely manner the Climate Chaos scenario that now befalls all of Humanity due to the impacts on Global Climate exacerbated by greenhouse gas emissions by industrial society and extractive industries in particular in complicity with national government states and existing international monetary systems and institutions.

Therefore we proclaim and hereby reaffirm in collective Responsibility as Peoples of Mother Earth, in Equality with all Peoples, our collective Right of Representation and Self Determination in addressing the issues before the COP20 beyond the constraints of the architectures of the States and their agreements;

We further affirm and proclaim in Full, Effective, and Complete exercise of our equally shared Right of Self Determination as Peoples of Mother Earth, that our Sacred Mother Earth is subject of the Right of Self Determination beyond the limited juridical constraints of the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in the UN system and its international architectures of personality and procedures of negotiation and agreements;



The Legend of Truth and the Doctrines of Power

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