Mapuche March of Self Determination in
Temuco [Chile]:
Declaration and Denunciation in Relation
to the Violent Repression by State Police
March 20, 2019
1. Today, March 20, 2019, we as an Autonomous Mapuche Community of Temucuicui, participated in a peaceful
political march, in exercise of our ancestral rights of self-determination and
territorial rights, together with the commemoration of the murder of Peñi
Camilo Catrillanca at the hands of the interior police force of the Lof Temucuicui.
This march was made impossible because of the unnecessary
violence, racism and in the best style
of the School of the Americas, the
actions of the police forces, who conducted excessive and deranged operatives
against the common land holders participating in the march, resulting in arbitrary
arrests against innocent people that were not even participants. For example, there
were arrests of individuals from inside their private vehicles, as is the case
of Javier Llanca, who was violently arrested and taken from inside the private
vehicle of the Werken of the Autonomous Community of Temucuicui Jorge
Huenchullan Cayul.
2. We make absolutely
responsible for this deranged pattern of state violence Mr. Jorge Atton, Intendant of the Araucanía, who under his racist and
anti-Mapuche policies, allowed these atrocities and the excessive violence to
take place, revealing the color and the objectives of what is the Piñera
government policy in relation to the Mapuche issues: repression, excessive
violence, imprisonment and zero willingness to dialogue.
This is the form under which all previous governments have also
tried to establish dialogue with us as Mapuche, therefore the irresponsibility
of Mr. Atton, is not surprising for us, however today we condemn his policy of
violence and racism for not allowing us to express ourselves in a peaceful
mobilization, as we pointed out in point 1 of this press release.
3. We call for the
mobilization of all Mapuche Peñis and Lagmien to disassociate themselves from
the Chilean state and the crumbs they toss our way, whose clear purpose is to
keep us in a state of meekness as Indigenous
We call for a climate of ungovernability against the excessive
violence of the state against our people, and to carry out these actions
through the WEICHAN, by occupying lands, the expulsion of military or police
settlements in our communities and strengthening everything that leads us to
resume our ancestral forms of organization.
At this moment, the Peñis Boris Llanca, Javier Llanca and
the Machi Juan Queupumil, of our Autonomous Community of Temucuicui, have been
Catrillanca, Present.
Temuco: Brutal represión en marcha por la "paz y desmilitarización"
Chile: reprimen marcha mapuche en Temuco
March 20, 2019
We call for the
formation of a Continental Movement of Abya Yala for the Self Determination of
the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples, developing a collective strategy of
cooperation, accompaniment and political accords in realization of our own
geopolitical agenda, via international indigenous diplomacy within a
multilateral framework.
Skennen kowa!
ReplyDeleteGran paz para ustedes!
Reciban un saludo cordial de parte del Consejo Tradicional Kanienkehaka (mohawk) de Kahnawake. Por medio de nuestros aliados en facebook, recibimos un video que nos dirijio directamente a su sitio web y hemos leido un poco sobre su trabajo. Les felicitamos por ello y les queremos invitar igualmente al nuestro próximo encuentro de Reconstitución, que tendrá lugar el próximo 7 de abril, mediante la plataforma virtual zoom:
En esta página podrán observar el proceso que comenzó el solsticio de verano pasado, así como todos los videos de nuestros encuentros y los posts que se han hecho. La idea es que cada participante hable de lo que se esta haciendo en su territorio en Defensa de nuestra Madre Tierra ¡Nos daría un gran gusto poder compartir con ustedes este diálogo tan importante!
Si tienen alguna pregunta, no duden, nos dará un gusto inmenso poder responderles.
Con ganas de conocerles!
Skennen kowa, (sgana goa)
Gran paz,
Vinculación para el Consejo,
Nación zapoteca.