Thursday, March 21, 2019

Abya Yala: Declaration of International Solidarity with the Minga in Colombia

Abya Yala

The Abya Yala Indigenous Coordinator, representing various organizations, nationalities and Indigenous Peoples of the Abya Yala, within the framework of the Dialogue among Social Actors and the Representatives of the High Level Governments of the Americas of the Organization of American States - OEA, we salute the Social Minga for the Defense of Life, Territory, Democracy, Justice and Peace; who are peacefully mobilized in various points of the department of Cauca and Colombia, demanding from the Colombian government the fulfillment, respect and guarantees of their Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

As organizations, nationalities and Indigenous Peoples of the Abya Yala, we express to the government of Colombia and the international community, our voice of rejection and condemnation for the lack of guarantees for social protest and the lack of political will to attend and dialogue as the Head of State with the Indigenous Peoples and social organizations of southwestern Colombia. At the same time we alert the entire world, that we are witnesses to the denunciations and communiqués of the organizations of the Minga, where it is clearly shown, the fierce attacks and the disproportionate use of the state authority of the public forces (ESMAD, army and police ) on civil society, leaving as a result several wounded and in a confused set of facts, one policeman dead. 

To these abuses are added the accusations, prosecutions, persecution and death that are being experienced by Indigenous Peoples and other social sectors of the department of Cauca and Colombia since March 10, 2019, which requires special and urgent treatment by of the establishment of the government and organizations of human rights defenders at the national and international level.

Therefore, very respectfully, we have asked the president of Colombia Ivan Duque, to open an immediate and face-to-face dialogue with the organizations present in the Minga and to meet the demands of their social agendas, recognizing that this request was sent to the head of the national government national, prior to the mobilization of the Minga.

We know that there are more than 1300 agreements not fulfilled by the last 3 governments of Colombia with the Indigenous Peoples, agreements signed with the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca - CRIC (Dto 1811), the Indigenous Regional Council of Huila - CRIHU, the Regional Indigenous Council of Caldas - CRIDEC, the Association of Indigenous Councils of Valle del Cauca - ACIVA, the Regional Indigenous Organization of Valle del Cauca - ORIVAC. At the same time, there are serious breaches with the National Union Federation of Agricultural Unity FENSUAGRO - CUT, the Interlocution and Agreement Table in Cauca, the Popular Unity Process of the Colombian Southwest - PUPSOC, the Integration Committee of the Colombian Massif - CIMA, the Coordinator National Agrarian Coordinator - CNA, The Campesino Working Group of Cauca, the Student Movement-UNEES (inclusion in the PND), the Territorial Working Group of Guarantees for Human Rights Defenders, as well as diverse, social and popular organizations of the southwest of Colombia.

For all the above reasons, we will continue monitoring and offering international accompaniment to this process of dialogue and compliance with the agreements agreed between the high government of Colombia and the Social Minga for the Defense of Life, Territory, Democracy, Justice and Peace.

We propose:
1) Establishment of an operational working group headed by Colombian President Ivan Duque, in which dialogue and compliance with agreements are guaranteed, to include the presence of international observers and guarantors: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS, UN, Non-governmental organizations that defend human rights, and diplomatic representatives of some international governments.

2) Stop the excessive use of military forces, such as harassment and provocation.

3) Make a call to order and self-discipline to some of the communication media, so that they do not interfere with the processes of dialogue and commitments of the agreements, being that they have violated the right to self-determination of the Indigenous Peoples, the dignity, honor and good name of our people and put at risk the life and integrity of the organizations present in the Minga.

4) Reparation for damages to injured families for the use of excessive military force, non-judicialization of detainees and the non-criminalization of community leaders and their organizations.

5) Direct resolution, in a specific time and with specific mechanisms for their solution to the Demands of the Social Minga for the Defense of Life, Territory, Democracy, Justice and Peace.
Here subscribed, the signatory organizations in this international communiqué, on Wednesday, March twenty (20) of the year two thousand nineteen (2019).

Consejo Regional Indígena y Popular de Xpujij S.C.
Federación Indígena Empresarial y Comunidades Locales de México, A.C.
Cooperativa Chiquila Quintana Roo
AIPIN Agencia Internacional de Prensa Indígena
REPSERAM Ya’ax Sot’  Ot’ Yook Ol Kaab A.C.
Consejo Indígena de la Península de Atasta
Asociación INGWAIA (Amanecer)
San Salvador
Asociación de Desarrollo Indígena Salvadoreña de los Pueblos Ancestrales " ADISPA "
CONAIE (Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador)
ONAMIAP (Organización Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas Andinas y Amazónicas del Perú)
Federacion Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Artesanas Indigenas Nativas Asalariadas del Peru FENMUCARINAP

 Confederacion Nacional Agraria


ANPE (Asociación Nacional de Productores Ecológicos del Perú)

Semillas para la Democracia

Articulacion de Mujeres Indigenas de Paraguay (MIPY(

Asociación Napguana
OTB, Molle Aguada Baja de Mizque, Cochabamba
Centro de Estudios y Trabajo de la Mujer, CETM
Kape Kape y Liderazgo Indígena

Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia

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