Saturday, November 7, 2020

Challenging the Master’s Narrative

With the demise of President D.Trump, the Master’s Narrative of the US experiment in democracy has forever lost whatever cultural coherence was provided by the pathological ideology of “White” supremacy. The diverse “non-white” public constituencies of the US electorate sealed that chapter in American history for good in this national election of 2020. 


The ideology of American "WHITE" supremacy has been exposed and diagnosed as the dysfunctional and dehumanizing cultural matrix of human alienation and consequent colonization which has normalized institutionalized American racism, colonization and genocide for 528 years on this continent of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala.


But the public and private institutions of American “White” supremacy persist and adapt, shifting in modality from eugenics to econogenics, from “Evangelical Christianization and Doctrine of Discovery” to “Democracy and Development”.  Instead of the feudal ideology of the Divine Right of Kings of Christendom, we now contend with a modern American corporate “Wall State” version of the global apparatus of the Westphalian system of state sovereignty: the Divine Right of States.


In this context, the electorate is just another market, a domestic colony of consumers.  The political constituencies of the electorate are branded with state citizenship and commodified according to the “New and Improved” flavors of collective political allegiances to be engineered, cultivated, harvested, processed, and discarded. The service industry of professional politics is bound to the service of the Empire of Petropolis, AKA the global fossil fuel consortia of governments, corporations, mass media, and military superstructures that rule the world in oligarchy via the financial institutions of global capital.


The ultimate (literally ultimate) product of delivery for this maladaptive schema of social values is the climate emergency for human society which is to be the now the unavoidable legacy for the future generations of humanity.


In defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth, and the Human Rights of the present and future generations, the Original Nations of the continent and the world respond and mobilize from local-regional, continental-global strategic frames of geopolitical action.


One specific tactic in the strategic framework is engagement, without surrender of the right of Self Determination, with the domestic electoral campaigns of the settler state frameworks in the Americas.


For example, in this election, the political voice of the Native Vote was not only significant in substance, it has proven to be historic in the broader context of the ongoing shift of international geopolitical relationships across the continent between Indigenous Nations and the colonial governments of the hemisphere, moving inexorably though decolonization towards the full exercise of self-determination on their own terms.


But the election also gave evidence that the “White” bloc of US constituents, which ranges from Red to Blue, from Right to Left, still operates as the primary agency for the delivery of public policies that are designed for the benefit of corporate America. From the perspective of the Indigenous Peoples, corporate America is really the only America there has ever been.


For the Indigenous Peoples, the demand is not only to have our voice and vote count, and be counted, it is to have the right of Self Determination of our Original Nations recognized and respected.






White Supremacy and the Doctrine of Discovery

Verse and Versus: Challenging the Master’s Narrative 


Yet as in any form of pathology, a diagnosis of the nature and source of the pathogen is necessary to effectively move towards healing, and not just treat the symptoms. Critically, it must be acknowledged that the social pathology of European colonization of the Americas will require a multigenerational collective cultural response.  The crime of colonialism requires decolonization. Colonization cannot be reformed; it must be ended.  And although five centuries of colonization will not be brought to an end in one generation, the borders of colonization cannot break the human bond of sacredness which binds us still today as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth.



Architectures of the States and the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth

As Peoples of Mother Earth, we collectively determine to regenerate our relationships among ourselves within a Cultural Climate of Mutual Respect, Inclusion, Complementarity, and Self Determination beyond the existing constrains of the international systems of state sovereignty and in responsibility to the well being of the future generations;


Recognizing that unless this fundamental dimension of international relationships among human societies at the planetary level is first recognized, established and affirmed, there will be no sustainable progress in addressing effectively and in timely manner the Climate Chaos scenario that now befalls all of Humanity due to the impacts on Global Climate exacerbated greenhouse gas emissions by industrial society and extractive industries in particular in complicity with national government states and existing international monetary systems and institutions.


Therefore we proclaim and hereby reaffirm in collective Responsibility as Peoples of Mother Earth, in Equality with all Peoples, our collective Right of Representation and Self Determination in addressing the issues before the COP20 beyond the constraints of the architecture of the States and their agreements;


We further affirm and proclaim in Full, Effective, and Complete exercise of our equally shared Right of Self Determination as Peoples of Mother Earth, that our Sacred Mother Earth is subject of the Right of Self Determination beyond the limited juridical constraints of the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in UN system and the international architectures of personality and procedures of negotiation and agreements;


5th Continental Indigenous Summit 2013 Cauca, [Colombia]

The Geography of Self Determination


It is an incontrovertible fact that the transfer of territorial jurisdiction from Indigenous Nations authorities to dominion concepts of control and allegiance by the states is historically flawed and legally suspect.  There are unquantifiable elements. The case of the Western Shoshone is contemporary evidence that this is not just history but reality in the context of the hemisphere of the Americas, yet there is a larger issue.


The social and geographic realities of the Indigenous Peoples as Nations continue to exist as a political anomaly in terms of the international legal system of the United Nations.  Specifically, in this hemisphere of Abya Yala [the Americas] not only is this true in the face of centuries of colonization but also in terms of the options for relief from the crime.


Arizona Democratic Party Resolution Endorsing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


"Indigenous Peoples, equal to all other peoples...."



Article 3

Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.


Article 5

Indigenous Peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.



The Master's Narrative:

Memes of Caste and the Anomaly of Histories

Thus the connection is made institutionally and culturally via the jurisprudence of the Master's Narrative, between concepts of white citizen and WHITE PERSON, establishing legal personality within the US social construct as a function of relationship to the dominant “white” power structures of rights and obligations. The anomaly being the Nican Tlacah Indigenous Peoples who supercede the US jurisdiction as sovereign confederations of nations holding treaty relationships with the US and other government states of the world.



Issues regarding race and racial identity as well as questions pertaining to property rights and ownership have been prominent in much public discourse in the United States. In this article, Professor Harris contributes to this discussion by positing that racial identity and property are deeply interrelated concepts. Professor Harris examines how whiteness, initially constructed as a form of racial identity, evolved into a form of property, historically and presently acknowledged and protected in American law. Professor Harris traces the origins of whiteness as property in the parallel systems of domination of Black and Native American peoples out of which were created racially contingent forms of property and property rights. Following the period of slavery and conquest, whiteness became the basis of racialized privilege - a type of status in which white racial identity provided the basis for allocating societal benefits both private and public in character. These arrangements were ratified and legitimated in law as a type of status property. Even as legal segregation was overturned, whiteness as property continued to serve as a barrier to effective change as the system of racial classification operated to protect entrenched power. Next, Professor Harris examines how the concept of whiteness as property persists in current perceptions of racial identity, in the law's misperception of group identity and in the Court's reasoning and decisions in the arena of affirmative action. Professor Harris concludes by arguing that distortions in affirmative action doctrine can only be addressed by confronting and exposing the property interest in whiteness and by acknowledging the distributive justification and function of affirmative action as central to that task.





There were stars
Before the sky was
Turned black
By smoking war guns
Of alien armies
Who came to put flame
To the land
Searing scars of colonization,
Genocide, racism
And greed.
The echoes still roar.
Hollow eyed sockets
Of false reality
Still see those rockets.

Still stare
Into the gory red glare
Of scorched earth
Burnt bare
Burned to a stump
In corporate orange
Trumped up
Version of white man's burden

Claiming the
Throne of empire

Gaming the land lust desire
Marketing the electorate

Commodifying the constituencies
White supremacy
Modern day
Manifest Destiny
Against whom they stood.

They stood in resistance,
They stood in rebellion,
They stand in regeneration:

Who are
Indigenous Peoples

The stars
Will return
In the sky.


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