Thursday, November 26, 2020

Online Petition: Open Letter to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

On November 20, 2020 the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission (TLHRC) of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs conducted a virtual hearing on Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas.  The commission is to be commended for addressing the overarching theme of Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in a continental context, which is not only appropriate but necessary in order to achieve a comprehensive historical understanding and analysis of the systemic nature of human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples which persist in the continent.


A comprehensive historical understanding and analysis of the systematic human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples in the Americas [North-Central-South] must necessarily integrate a critical position in regard to the nefarious and racist Doctrine of Discovery of Christendom (October 12, 1492) which continues to be normalized by the successor states across the continent. 


During the virtual hearing, TLHRC co-chair James P. McGovern (D-MA) made the following comment:


“We should be examining the impacts of our trade agreements on Indigenous Rights.”


We support the call by the Continental Commission Abya Yala to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission calling for a full public hearing on the implications of the blatant systemic violation of Human Rights in the international US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade zone, and specifically to address the violation of the inherent Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, equal to all other peoples, cited USMCA as follows: Exceptions - Article 32.5  Indigenous Peoples Rights.


Free Prior and Informed Consent


All Peoples have the right to self-determination. It is a fundamental principle in international law, embodied in the Charter of the United Nations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


The standard, Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), as well as Indigenous Peoples’ rights to lands, territories and natural resources are embedded within the universal right to self- determination. The normative framework for FPIC consists of a series of international legal instruments including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), the International Labour Organization Convention 169 (ILO 169), and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), among many others.


FPIC is a specific right that pertains to Indigenous Peoples and is recognized in the UNDRIP. It allows them to give or withhold consent to a project that may affect them or their territories. Once they have given their consent, they can withdraw it at any stage. Furthermore, FPIC enables them to negotiate the conditions under which the project will be designed, implemented, monitored and evaluated. 

Consultation is not consent.


Message to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission:

Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas


Monday, November 23, 2020

TONATIERRA - Message to Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission: Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

Community Development Institute

PO Box 24009

Phoenix, AZ 85074



November 23, 2020



Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

House Committee on Foreign Affairs

5100 O'Neill House Office Building

200 C Street SW

Washington, D.C. 20515


Good greetings.


It was with great interest and appreciation that we were able to watch the virtual hearing on Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas conducted by the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission (TLHRC) on November 20, 2020.  The commission is to be commended for addressing the overarching theme of Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in a continental context, which is not only appropriate but necessary in order to achieve a comprehensive historical understanding and analysis of the systemic nature of human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples which persist in the continent.


It is our understanding that the TLHRC addressed the issue of human rights of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America some ten years ago. During the virtual hearing on the 2oth of November, the substance of the testimonies during the virtual hearing echoed a common denominator of dispossession, discrimination, dehumanization, colonization and genocide that has been normalized in the Americas since October 12, 1492.  That the “Latin American” chapter in this history has been reviewed by the TLHC is significant in the defense of internationally recognized human rights norms, but the issues of human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples in the Americas is not limited to the Roman Civil Law successor states of Latin America.  The Anglo-American successor states on the continent, whose origin derives from the English Common Law of  Christendom, must also come under review in the context of internationally recognized human rights principles and norms as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other relevant human rights instruments such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). 


A comprehensive historical understanding and analysis of the systematic human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples in the Americas [North-Central-South] must necessarily integrate a critical position in regard to the nefarious and racist Doctrine of Discovery of Christendom (October 12, 1492) which continues to be normalized by the successor states across the continent. 


A comprehensive historical understanding and analysis of the systematic human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples in the Americas [North-Central-South] must necessarily integrate a critical position in terms of the international trade policies of the “Corporate Metropolitan States in competition and systemic collusion over the extraction of natural resources and labor of the Original Nations of Indigenous peoples of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala.  As both example and evidence, the “Privileges and Prerogatives Granted by Their Catholic Majesties to Christopher Columbus (1492)” outline the rewards and protections of the initial colonial enterprise of seeking World Trade Organization routes to the Indies on behalf of the European Royalty.  These packages of privilege and profit are institutionalized today via the multilateral international trade agreements such as the recently adopted US-Mexico-Canada Agreement USMCA (2020).


On this point, we would concur with the statement by TLHRC co-chair James P. McGovern (D-MA) made during the virtual hearing on November 20:


“We should be examining the impacts of our trade agreements on Indigenous Rights.”


Many of the themes of discussion in the virtual hearing have long been areas of work of our organization of Indigenous Peoples, which is headquartered in the Nahuacalli, Embassy of Indigenous Peoples located in the O’odham Nations traditional territories of Phoenix, Arizona. In fact, over the past year our organization operating as Secretariat of the Continental Commission Abya Yala has submitted a series of communiques to the TLHRC expressing our serious concerns in regard to the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the context of a multilateral approach to defense and advocacy for the fundamental human rights of “Self Determination for all Peoples.”

Our most recent communiqué to the TLHRC was on September 13, 2020, wherein we stated:

“In our letter to the USMCA Working Group of the US House of Representatives on September 13th of last year, we informed the Working Group members and House Speaker Pelosi that upon review of the public record of debate concerning the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the context of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the systemic disregard for the human rights of Indigenous Peoples is blatantly discriminatory, unacceptable and must be addressed before the agreement be put to vote before the House of Representatives.


Specifically, we called for a full public hearing before the appropriate committees and/or Working Group formations of the US Congress for the purpose of informing the US congressional representatives on the right of Indigenous Peoples to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) as stipulated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) regarding projects which impact their collective rights.”


Several speakers during the virtual hearing mentioned Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization as an important international instrument of validation and accountability in defense and advocacy of the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  As the first international treaty to affirm the identity of Indigenous Peoples as “Peoples” in full recognition of our common humanity which is the essential principle of all human rights standards, laws, and aspirations, the ILO Convention 169 has served here in Phoenix, Arizona as the definitive element of the Macehualli Day Labor Movement.  Invoking the provisions in ILO Convention 169 calling for Special Measures to address the human rights of Indigenous Peoples as Migrant Workers with Families, our organization TONATIERRA has successfully established a local operational protocol in the context of the “Human Rights City” approach to municipal government.

At this point it is well to take note of the juxtaposition of the operational principles of Convention 169 and the recent adoption of the trilateral trade agreement of the USMCA, which includes a chapter on Indigenous Peoples Rights.


The designation of Indigenous Peoples in the USMCA is definitive, in terms of the recognition of Indigenous Peoples as “peoples”.  In the context of the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was not yet in place in 1994 during the original NAFTA agreement, the recognition of Indigenous Peoples in an international commercial agreement necessarily is accompanied and contextualized by the recognition of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as articulated and affirmed in the principles and articles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Additionally, since Mexico is a treaty signatory to ILO Convention 169 and must report to the international community on a regular basis on how the rights of Indigenous Peoples as migrant workers are being protected, there is an open question before the TLHRC and the US Congress as a whole, which is how is the prevention of discrimination towards Indigenous Peoples as migrant workers with families being addressed under the framework of USMCA? What instruments of accountability exist in the US and Canadian labor markets and economic institutions that guarantee recognition and respect for the human rights of Indigenous Peoples as migrant workers with families?


We submit that it is not acceptable or appropriate to reduce the Indigenous Peoples to the nomenclature of “populations” in the official discourse and testimony before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. The designation of Indigenous Peoples, as “Peoples, equal to all other peoples....” is a fundamental legacy of the global human rights movement of Indigenous Peoples which should be acknowledged at least, if not honored.


Finally, noting the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Organization of American States (2016) and the OAS Resolution "Pandemic and Human Rights in the Americas" adopted on April 10, 2020 which proclaimed :


Indigenous Peoples

57. Refrain from promoting legislative initiatives and/or advances in the implementation of productive and/or extractive projects in the territories of indigenous peoples during the duration of the pandemic, due to the impossibility of carrying out prior consultation processes, free and informed (due to the WHO recommendation to adopt social distancing measures) provided in ILO Convention 169 and other relevant international and national instruments on the matter.


Any governmental policy that attempts to deliver a fake manufactured approval to any economic project in violation to our right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent under any local, national, regional, or continental plan during the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, will be denounced, nullified, and ultimately rejected by the power of our Original Nations in defense of our collective right of Self Determination and the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.




Thank you for your kind consideration of this message. May we  endeavor to work together in a comprehensive and multilateral approach to the defense and advocacy of the Human Rights Indigenous Peoples of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala [Americas].




Tupac Enrique Acosta



Continental Commission Abya Yala





Monday, November 16, 2020






Con el permiso de nuestros dioses, de nuestros hermanos mayores y de nuestra Pachamama, e nuestros ancestros, de nuestros achachilas, con el permiso de nuestro Patujú, de nuestro arco iris, de nuestra sagrada hoja de coca


Con el permiso de nuestros pueblos, con el permiso de todos los presentes y no presentes en este hemiciclo


Hoy quiero compartir nuestro pensamiento en unos minutos


Es obligación de comunicarnos, obligación de dialogar, es un principio del vivir bien


Los pueblos de las culturas milenarias, de la cultura de la vida mantenemos nuestros orígenes desde el amanecer de los tiempos remotos


Los hijos hemos heredado una cultura milenaria que comprende que todo esta interrelacionado, que nada está dividido y que nada está fuera


Por eso nos dicen que todos vayamos juntos, que nadie se quede atrás, que todos tengan todo y a nadie le falte nada


Y el bienestar de todos es bienestar de uno mismo que ayudar es motivo de crecer y ser feliz, que renunciar en beneficio del otro nos hace sentir fortalecidos, que unirnos y reconocernos en el todo es el camino del ayer, hoy mañana y siempre de donde nunca nos hemos alejado


El ayni, la minka, la tumpa, nuestra colka y otros códigos de las culturas milenarias son la esencia de nuestra vida, de nuestro ayllu


Ayllu no solo es una organización de sociedad de seres humanos, ayllu es un sistema de organización de vida de todos los seres, de todo lo que existe, de todo lo que fluye en equilibrio en nuestro planeta o madre tierra


Durante siglos los cánones civilizatorios del AbyaYala fueron desestructurados y muchos de ellos exterminados, el pensamiento originario fue sistemática sometido al pensamiento colonial


Más no lograron apagarnos, estamos vivos, somos de Tiwanacu, somos fuertes, somos como la piedra, somos Cholke, somos sinchi, somos Rumy, somos Jenecherú, fuego que nunca se apagaba, somos de Samaipa, somos jaguar, somos Katari, somos comanches, somos mayas, somos guaraníes, somos mapuches, mojeños, somos aymaras, somos quechuas, somos jokis, y somos todos los pueblos de la cultura de la vida que despertamos larama igual, rebelde con sabiduría


Hoy Bolivia y el mundo vivimos una transición que se repite cada 2.000 años, en el marco de la ciclidad de los tiempos, pasamos del no tiempo al tiempo, dando inicio al nuevo amanecer, a un nuevo Pachakuti en nuestra historia


Un nuevo sol y una nueva expresión en el lenguaje de la vida donde la empatía por el otro o el bien colectivo sustituye al individualismo egoísta


Donde los bolivianos nos miramos todos iguales y sabemos que unidos valemos más, estamos en tiempos de volver a ser Jiwasa, no soy yo, somos nosotros,


Jiwasa es la muerte del egocentrismo, Jiwasa es la muerte del antropocentrismo y es la muerte del teolocentrismo


Estamos en tiempo de volver a ser Jisambae es un código que lo ha protegido que lo ha protegido nuestros hermanos guaraníes, y Jambae igual, persona que no tiene dueño, nadie en este mundo tiene que sentirse dueño de nadie y de nada


Desde el año 2006 empezamos en Bolivia un duro trabajo para conectar nuestras raíces individuales y colectivas, para volver a ser nosotros mismos, volver a nuestro centro, al taypi, a la pacha, al equilibrio de donde emergen la sabiduría de las civilizaciones más importantes de nuestro planeta


Estamos en pleno proceso de recuperación de nuestros saberes, de los códigos de la cultura de la vida, de los cánones civilizatorios de una sociedad que vivía en íntima conexión con el cosmos, con el mundo, con la naturaleza y con la vida individual y colectiva de construir nuestro sumak kamaña, de nuestro sumajakalle que es garantizar el bien individual y el bien colectivo o comunitario.


Estamos en tiempos de recuperar nuestra identidad, nuestra raíz cultural, nuestro sake, tenemos raíz cultural, tenemos filosofía, historia, tenemos todo, somos personas, y tenemos derechos


Uno de los cánones inquebrantables de nuestra civilización es la sabiduría heredada en torno a la Pacha, garantizar equilibrios en todo tiempo y espacio es saber administrar todas las energías complementarias, la cósmica que viene del cielo con la tierra que emerge de debajo de la tierra


Estas dos fuerzas cósmicas telúricas interactúan creando lo que llamaos vida como una totalidad visible Pachamama y espiritual Pachakama


Al comprender la vida en términos de energía tenemos la posibilidad de modificar nuestra historia, la materia y la vida como la convergencia de la fuerza chachawarmi cuando nos referimos a la complementariedad de opuestos


El nuevo tiempo que estamos empezando será sostenido por la energía del ayllu, la comunidad, los consensos, la horizontalidad, los equilibrios complementarios y el bien común


Históricamente se comprende la revolución como un acto político para cambiar la estructura social, para así transformar la vida del individuo, ninguna de las revoluciones ha logrado modificar la conservación del poder, para mantener control sobre las personas


No se consiguió cambiar la naturaleza del poder, pero el poder ha logrado distorsionar la mente de los políticos, el poder puede corromper y es muy difícil modificar la fuerza del poder y de sus instituciones, pero es un desafío que asumiremos desde la sabiduría de nuestros pueblos, nuestra revolución es la revolución de ideas, es la revolución de equilibrios, porque estamos convencidos que para transformar la sociedad, el gobierno, la burocracia y las leyes y el sistema político debemos cambiar como individuos


Vamos a promover las coincidencias opositoras para buscar soluciones entre la derecha y de la izquierda, entre la rebeldía de los jóvenes y la sabiduría de los abuelos, entre los límites de la ciencia y la naturaleza inquebrantable, entre las minorías creativas y las mayorías tradicionales, entre los enfermos y los sanos, entre los gobernantes y los gobernados, entre el culto liderazgo y el don de servir a los demás


Nuestra verdad es muy simple, el cóndor levanta vuelo solo cuando su ala derecha está en perfecto equilibrio con su ala izquierda, la tarea de formarnos como individuos equilibrados fue brutalmente interrumpida hace siglos, no la hemos concluido y el tiempo de la era del ayllu, comunidad, ya está con nosotros


Exige que seamos individuos libres y equilibrados para construir relaciones armónicas con los demás y con nuestro entorno, es urgente que seamos seres aptos de sostener equilibrios para si y para la comunidad


Estamos en tiempos de los hermanos de la apanaka pachakuti, hermanos del cambio, donde nuestra lucha no solo era por nosotros sino también por ellos y no en contra de ellos, buscamos el mandato, no buscamos enfrentamiento, buscamos la paz, no somos de la cultura de la guerra ni de la dominación, nuestra lucha es contra todo tipo de sometimiento y contra el pensamiento único colonial, patriarcal, venga de donde venga


La idea del encuentro entre el espíritu y la materia, el cielo y la tierra de la Pachamama y Pachakama nos permite pensar que una mujer y hombre nuevos podremos sanar a la humanidad, al planeta, y a la hermosa vida que hay en ella y devolver la belleza a nuestra madre tierra


Defenderemos los sagrados tesoros de nuestra cultura de toda injerencia, defenderemos nuestros pueblos, nuestros recursos naturales, nuestras libertades y nuestros derechos


Volveremos a nuestro KapakÑan el camino noble de la integración, el camino de la verdad, el camino de la hermandad, el camino de la unidad, el camino del respeto a nuestras autoridades, a nuestras hermanas, el camino del respeto al fuego, el camino del respeto a la lluvia, el camino del respeto a nuestras montañas, el camino del respeto a nuestros ríos, el camino del respeto a nuestra madre tierra, el camino de respeto a la soberanía de nuestros pueblos


Hermanos, para terminar los bolivianos debemos superar la división, el odio, el racismo, la discriminación entre compatriotas, ya no más persecución a la libertad de expresión, ya no más judicialización de la política


Ya no más abuso de poder, el poder tiene que ser para ayudar, el poder tiene que circular, el poder, así como la economía se tiene que redistribuir, tiene que circular, tiene que fluir, así como la sangre fluye dentro de nuestro organismo, ya no más impunidad, justicia hermanos


Pero la justicia tiene que ser verdaderamente independiente, pongámosle fin a la intolerancia a la humillación de los derechos humanos y de nuestra madre tierra


El nuevo tiempo significa escuchar el mensaje de nuestros pueblos que viene del fondo de sus corazones, significa sanar heridas, mirarnos con respeto, recuperar la patria, soñar juntos, construir hermandad, armonía, integración, esperanza para garantizar la paz y la felicidad de las nuevas generaciones


Solo así podremos alcanzar el vivir bien y gobernarnos nosotros mismos


Jallalla Bolivia





1.-  La Senadora Carmen  Gloria Aravena y Diputados Miguel Mellado y Jorge Ratgheb de Renovacion Nacional- RN, han  pedido que los Militares se hagan cargo de la seguridad en la Araucania. Esto es un intento de revivir la Pacificación de la Araucania y es la manera concreta de aumentar el conflicto en la region. Cuya petición de los Parlamentarios constituye un incentivo a la violencia y una provocación a la Paz.


2.-  La militarizacion en el contexto de la Pacificación de la Araucania se cometió el Crimen de Genocidio y actualmente esta en completa impunidad. Los mencionados Parlamentarios de la Araucania estan actuando en la lógica del negacionismo de un crimen en completa impunidad. A partir de este hecho, los Mapuche nos empujan a llevar este Crimen de Lesa Humanidad a los tribunales internacionales que afortundamente nos abren las puertas para formular dicho reclamo.


3.-  La Araucania o Wallmapuche requiere verdad, justicia, reparar el daño causado  con el Pueblo Mapuche y una ruta de entendimiento.



Encargado Relaciones Internacionales

Consejo de Todas Las Tierras




1.- Senator Carmen Gloria Aravena and Deputies Miguel Mellado and Jorge Ratgheb of Renovacion Nacional- RN, have asked that the Military take charge of security in Araucania. This is an attempt to revive the so-called “Pacification of Araucania” and is the concrete way to increase the conflict in the region. This request of the Parliamentarians constitutes an incentive to violence and a provocation against Peace.


2.- The use of the national military force in the context of the Pacification of Araucania resulted in the Crime of Genocide against the Mapuche Nation,  a criminal act which is still allowed complete impunity. The aforementioned Parliamentarians of Araucania are acting in the logic of denial of an international crime in complete impunity. Based on this fact, the Mapuche have been forced to bring this Crime Against Humanity to the international tribunals, which fortunately have opened their doors for us to formulate this indictment.


3.- La Araucania or Wallmapuche requires truth, justice, repairing the damage caused to the Mapuche People and a path of understanding.



International Relations Manager

Council of All Lands