Saturday, October 14, 2017

Superseding the Doctrine of Discovery: Abolish Columbus Day

Superseding the Doctrine of Discovery

The world is not flat, it never was.

In spite of the terracentric doctrine of the cosmology of the "Western World" of Christendom, and beyond the heliocentric description of our solar system as a physical description of interrelationships among spacial bodies of mass, relative to each other, the sun does nor revolve around the earth - nor does the earth revolve around the sun.

Both, entities of mass and therefore revolution and spiral orbit, revolve around their respective centers of gravity, in barycentric and cosmetric interrelationship with the entire field of gravity that defines and describes our universe of the Four Directions.

The Doctrine of a Terracentric Universe was challenged by Copernicus and eventually superseded by the current “BIG BANG” model, but to challenge the dogma of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in terms cosmology in 1492 was blasphemy punishable by excommunication, torture, and death under the courts of the Inquisition.

Today, although the corresponding political dogma of Eurocentric theological known as the Doctrine of Discovery falls in the same category of antiquated and internationally repudiated concepts of cultural supremacy and colonialism, the Doctrine of Discovery remains as the fundamental legal principle that defines all property law and jurisprudence within not only the courts and the entire legal US legal system, the dogma of the Doctrine of Discovery perpetuates the norm of 525 years of continental colonialism [AKA America] which extends to Puerto Rico as an imperial appendage since the 1898 Treaty of Paris with Spain.

To simply rename, re-brand and then market the Columbus Day holiday as “Indigenous Peoples Day” without addressing the ongoing colonization and genocide of the Original Nations of Abya Yala may be popularized as a step in the right direction, but if the inherent right of Self Determination is not simultaneous affirmed, respected, and guaranteed protection as a fundamental tenet of International Human Rights Law it is only a side step, and in the wrong direction at that if such policies allow the settler state systems to advance in implementing the reduction of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to a domestic delegated construct of rights defined by the colonizing states themselves within the rubric of the United Nations System Wide Action Plan.

“The question is no longer whether the Doctrine of Discovery as it is still being perpetuated in policy and practice across the hemisphere is valid. That question has been answered, definitively and finally. There is no moral, legal, or cultural presentation that can legitimately argue that the theory of the Divine Right of Kings, which spawned the Doctrine of Discovery by Christendom, can hold any validity in a democratic society. What is in question now, is on what side of history will each of us as individuals, as families, as communities, as nations and as Human Beings stand."

Not just take a knee.

Will we stand up in continental uprising to DISMANTLE and then supersede the DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY, or will we comply with the dehumanizing regimes of state sanctioned genocide and colonization that continue to prop up the racist relics and psychological pathogens of the European American project of colonization known as America?”

We do not simply want a day in your calendar, call it what you will. We have our own calendars.

As a matter of fact and historical truth, the issue is not about what we want.

It is about what we WILL.

Self Determination of Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth.

In Ilhuicayotl, In Tlalyotl : In Nelhuayotl, In Aztlan.


Indigenous Peoples Day—an act of decolonization unfolds


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