October 11, 2015
Gathered together in Tiquipaya, representatives of
grassroots native indigenous peoples, peasant communities, social organizations
from the country and the city, citizens of several countries, deliberated for
two days on the current development model in Bolivia and around the world, and
its consequences. As a result of discussions and exchange of experiences,
agreed this statement, which reflects our concerns and desires.
“MESA 18” is a rural-urban, indigenous, urban, national and
international, environmental and social, resistance-movement which brings
together all Bolivian citizens and friends of Bolivia to build a truly
sustainable development process alternative to the capitalist extractivism,
construction of mega-dams, nuclear center and other activities that directly
contribute to the destruction of Mother Earth. In that sense, we believe that
if the official People's Summit organized by the Bolivian government of Evo
Morales can not get concrete and serious commitments are made to reduce carbon
emissions and avoid the deepening of climate change, then we are denouncing
they are statements without compromise.
In the case of Bolivia the government should commit to
reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and land use change - the main
cause of emissions of greenhouse gases in Bolivia - establishing a committed
public policy "zero deforestation" to 2025
1. The policy of the government of Evo Morales to protect
the Rights of Mother Earth (core mandate of the Summit of the Peoples of
Tiquipaya 2010) has failed;
2. That the government of President Morales - and the
President himself - are presented to the international community as an advocate
and promoter of Mother Earth but the reality is different;
3. continuously has deepened extractivism exploitation of
natural resources and an unsustainable "development model" which
gives priority to global markets over the needs of the Bolivian people;
4. The problem is global because we face the same conflicts
in Bolivia are occurring in other countries in the region and the world;
5. That the Government of Evo Morales is playing a global
policy of dependence on fossil energy, expanding hydrocarbures frontier over
national parks and indigenous territories;
6. The Government of Evo Morales is expanding agribusiness
frontier, legalizing GMOs and prioritizing corporate interests above the
family-peasant-indigenous organic production, undermining food security and
sovereignty of the Bolivian people and increasing deforestation rate;
7. That same government proposes to shift the energy matrix
to deepen the problems of climate change; nuclear power and mega-dams that are
not the best choice for Bolivia.
For these reasons and others of public knowledge:
destruction of nature, the disintegration of territories and indigenous
organizations, the invasion and destruction of national parks, deforestation
and the destruction of ecosystems, lakes, rivers, land that is our source of
life. To the ecocide; Oil penetration of protected areas, the construction of
nuclear power projects, mega-dams, white elephants as "El Bala" and
other activities that feed corruption and go against the “living with wellness”
and the interests of Bolivians;
WE DENOUNCE AND OPPOSE the dismantling, colonization,
privatization and dispossession of indigenous territories and national parks.
WE PLEDGE to take actions that directly push the reduction
of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and all actions within the Bolivian territory
that helps reduce local, regional and global warming and call on all Bolivian
citizens to take one Common Agenda: Zero deforestation.
WE REJECT the hypocritical international diplomacy that
wants "vigorous agendas" but takes no concrete commitments.
WE CALL on all Bolivian and world citizens to form a single
alliance in defense of life, forests, water, the environment, food sovereignty,
freedom of expression and democracy.
WE CALL to form an alliance in Bolivia and among all peoples
of the world to tackle climate change, calling local, national and
international alliances to unite the indigenous movement on a global and
regional levels (South America) and joining the global movement.
WE CALL on all leaders, activists, and citizens in general
to inform and achieve impact at international level on the main factors causing
climate change, using social media, mass media and information technologies
with independence.
ALSO WE CALL on all Bolivian citizens tired of corruption
and the perpetuation of the MAS in power join actions to defend democracy and
the rights of Mother Earth.
CLARIFY that indigenous peoples and Bolivians are not
anyone's "forest guards" but we are proud to have a harmonious
relationship with nature, forests and biodiversity, and we are not willing to
enter into the natural resources predatory and extractive logic that they are
the main cause of climate change. We want to be our own forest guards.
WE ASSURE to the international community and Bolivian
citizens that we seek to change the production model based on extractivism to a
matrix based on ethics, innovation and respect for nature.
Tiquipaya, Cochabamba
October 11, 2015
13 octubre, 2015
Resoluciones de la Mesa 18 de Tiquipaya 2015 0
Al pueblo boliviano
A los hermanos y hermanas indígenas-campesinos, trabajadores y movimientos sociales del mundo.
*Las organizaciones indígenas, populares, colectivos ciudadanos nos
autoconvocamos por segunda vez en la MESA 18, en el marco de la
Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos contra el Cambio Climático, como una
mesa rebelde y alternativa frente a la Cumbre oficial del gobierno.
ü En la MESA 18, los días 10 y 11 de octubre nos reunimos más de 300
representantes de organizaciones sociales nacionales e internacionales
para hablar de nuestros problemas, porque no permitiremos que el estado
boliviano hable a nombre de nosotros para lavar su imagen a nivel
nacional e internacional.
*En este espacio hablamos de nuestras resistencias, luchas y alternativas al modelo impuesto por el gobierno boliviano.
ü Denunciamos los atropellos contra los territorios indígenas, parques nacionales, trabajadores del campo y las ciudades.
Las propuestas y acciones que salieron de este Evento son las siguientes:
*Conformar una “ALIANZA POR LA VIDA” contra las políticas extractivistas y el “desarrollismo” del gobierno de Evo Morales
*Convocar a un Encuentro Nacional de todos los sectores y
organizaciones populares que se suman a la ALIANZA POR LA VIDA, en el
mes de noviembre de este año.
*Hacer campañas masivas en el campo y las ciudades por el NO al
cambio de la Constitución Política del Estado y la reelección del
presidente Evo Morales. (Y queremos que quede muy claro que no somos
opositores de la derecha neoliberal y tradicional).
*Recuperar la autodeterminación de los pueblos indígenas –campesinas y la independencia de las organizaciones sociales.
*Proponemos cambiar la matriz extractivista minera, petrolera y
agroexportador con una deforestación monstruosa y mega proyectos (como
son las megarepresas, megacarreteras, megaestadiums y plantas
nucleares), por un modelo basado en las energías renovables, la
producción familiar campesina indígena orginaria (somos 800.000 unidades
familiares ) y una Bolivia forestal basada en el cuidado de la madre
*Derogación de los Decretos Supremos y la leyes malditas que atentan
contra la Madre Tierra y los Derechos de los Indígenas y trabajadores
del campo y las ciudades, como ser la Ley Minera e Hidrocarburos, D.S.
de avasallamiento de los Parques Nacionales, D.S. de ampliación de la
frontera agrícola, Ley de Semillas, Leyes y D.S. a favor de transgénicos
que matan las semillas nativas y otras.
*Expulsar a las transnacionales mineras (en primer lugar a San
Cristobal), las petroleras, los terratenientes y los negociantes de
transgénicos y agrotóxicos (como Monsantos)
*Tomar acciones directas en caso de abuso y represión del gobierno.
*Expulsar de nuestras organizaciones de base a los dirigentes vendidos y corruptos, afines al gobierno.
*Promover la incidencia a nivel internacional que este gobierno no es indígena, ni socialista; es un extractivista.
*Difundir el presente documento de conclusiones en nuestras bases, en las redes sociales y en la COP Paris.
URGENTE: EXIGIMOS el cese de represión y persecución judicial a los
dirigentes y especialmente exigimos la libertad de 17 hermanos de la
nación guaranie de la TCO Takovo Mora, quienes sufrieron una brutal
represión el 18 de agosto último.
Puedes ver la convocatoria abierta
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