Thursday, March 19, 2020

Message to the Eagle Nations and Indigenous Confederacies of the North from from Tawantinsuyo: 2020 Izcalli Abya Yala 2020

Wind of the Wings of the Kundur Anka

The dismantling of the Doctrine of Discovery in the current political context is accompanied by creating the capacity of our continental geopolitical project as Original Nations of Abya Yala in a coherent, strategic way, and according to the criteria of our own ways of knowledge, spirituality, and indigenous sciences in geographic and temporal dimensions.



2020 Izcalli Abya Yala 2020 


March 19, 2020

Sisters and Brothers of Abya Yala,

From the highlands of Tawantinsuyo, and with the telluric power of our Apus, we send all the force accumulated in millennia and that at this time awakens in each of us.

The awareness and practice of our ancestral values ​​unites us once again in this long and wonderful cultural process that we have always shared.

We are emerging again after centuries of oppression by humanoids that threaten the destruction of our Mother Earth.
Paha Sapa -Black Hills, Dakota
It is now on March 19, 2020 that Taita Inti, the Father Sun, in its Butterfly phase unites us and brings us together again ...

Here we are, we still are, and we are millions reconnecting to the weaving that our ancestors initiated. We are here with one thought, one heart, one fist, defending the sacredness of life.

On this day we cast the common thread that will serve to nourish each other with hope and confidence in our persistent practice of life.

From here and accompanied by our pain and happiness we radiate all our community energy to the Four Directions ... and so to let it be known and felt by our descendants, because life is eternal, and we are life.

Haylli Pachamama !!

Roman Vizcarra
Kusi Kawsay Asociación
Kusi Kawsay Andean School
Ñawpa Ñan Cultural Events
 Pisaq, Tawatinsuyo [Peru] 


Hermanos de Abya Yala,

Desde las tierra altas del Tawantinsuyo, y con el poder telúrico de nuestros Apus, enviamos toda la fuerza acumulada en milenios y que en este tiempo despierta en cada uno de nosotros.

La conciencia y la practica de nuestros valores ancestrales nos une una vez mas en este largo y maravilloso proceso cultural que hemos compartido desde siempre.

Estamos emergiendo nuevamente después de siglos de atropello por parte de los humanoides que amenazan con la destrucción de nuestra Madre Tierra
Es ahora el 19 de marzo de 2020 que el Taita Inti, el Sol, en su fase mariposa nos une y nos congrega nuevamente…

Aquí estamos, todavía somos, y somos millones que retomamos el tejido que nuestros ancestros iniciaron. Estamos aquí con un solo pensamiento, un solo corazón, un solo puño, defendiendo la sagrada vida.

En este día tendemos el hilo conductor que servirá para mutuamente alimentar la esperanza y la confianza en nuestra persistente practica de vida.

Desde aquí y acompañados de nuestro dolor y alegría vaya toda nuestra energía comunitaria a las cuatro direcciones… y que lo sepan y que lo sientan nuestros descendientes porque la vida es eterna, y nosotros somos la vida.

Haylli Pachamama!!

Roman Vizcarra
Kusi Kawsay Asociación
Kusi Kawsay Andean School
Ñawpa Ñan Cultural Events


V Continental Indigenous Summit Abya Yala

Resguardo Indigena La Maria Piendamo, Cauca [Colombia] 2013

2020 Izcalli Abya Yala 2020
Spring   -   Tlanexpapalotl      Primavera
March 19, 2020
Otoño     Yohualpapalotl               Fall      
September 22, 2020
Seas of Emergence
Call to
Continental Council of Courage and Consciousness
Dawning of the Age Abya Yala
Continental Indigenous Uprising and Emergence
In exercise of the
Right of Self Determination of Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples
In defense of the
Continental Commission Abya Yala

Abya Yala 
Memory - Consciousness - Will
Indigenous Peoples and Original Nations
Elements of Articulation of a Continental Geopolitical Agenda of

"A movement without memory does not make history"


The Original Nations of Abya Yala are not ethnic groups of the successor states of the nefarious Doctrine of Discovery of Christendom (October 12, 1492).

The Original Nations of Abya Yala are not states of the 1648 Westphalian System of state sovereignty and dominion (UN 1945).

The Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala are Original Nations of Mother Earth.

The Original Nations of Abya Yala are defenders of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.

The Original Nations of Abya Yala are heirs to a 527-year struggle at the continental level that has as its goal the integral and effective realization of our collective right of Self-Determination and Autonomy.

The decolonization required to advance the process of Indigenous Self-Determination is impossible without first having DISMANTLED the legaloid foundations of the Doctrine of the Discovery of Christendom that continues to normalize the colonization and genocide of our Indigenous Peoples in each country of the continent, from north to south, from coast to coast.

The Continental Commission of Dismantling of the Doctrine of Discovery advances with the capacity and will of our Indigenous Peoples to articulate, organize, and exercise our own political-cultural, economic and social self-determination in resistance, rebellion, and regeneration of our millennial cultures and planetary worldview.

The dismantling of the Doctrine of Discovery in the current political context is accompanied by the creating of collective capacity to formulate our continental geopolitical project as Original Nations of Abya Yala in a coherent, strategic way, and according to the criteria of our own ways of knowledge, spirituality, and indigenous sciences in geographic and temporal dimensions.

World Indigenous Law Conference - WILC 2020

Conferencia Mundial de Ley Indígena

Cauca, Colombia

Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca – CRIC
October 11-14, 2020
Universidad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural UAIIN
Popayán, Cauca [Colombia]


The World Indigenous Law Conference (WILC) was initiated with the first convocation in Aotearoa [New Zealand] in 2012, followed in 2014 with the second WILC in Australia. With a projected convening every two years, the next conference was held in Irvine, California in 2016, and the most recent was realized at the University of Windsor, Ontario [Canada] in November 2018.

The World Indigenous Law Conference (WILC) has the character of being a conference at the level of global geopolitics that has been created and organized by the Indigenous Peoples themselves, outside the structures of the states, but in collaboration with the different education systems such as the universities and centers of knowledge of the Indigenous World. The conference has served as a space for meeting and sharing among indigenous jurists such as lawyers, judges, and human rights defenders to strengthen their professional organizations and expand towards an inclusive global horizon in the struggle for justice for the Original Nations of Mother Earth. 

The dynamic of the conference has functioned to clarify, analyze, discuss and comment on the legal bases of two systems:
1) The Law of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples, and
2) The legaloid systems of jurisprudence of the states in the current geopolitical context.
A fundamental criterion of the WILC is the full recognition of the right of self-determination of Indigenous Peoples, equal to all other peoples of the world. Consequently, with each WILC there has been a fundamental need to confront the legaloid tactics of the states that perpetuate the normalizing and the institutionalization of illegal colonization and territorial dispossession in each jurisdiction of each country, in violation of Indigenous Law and contemporary Human Rights standards and principles.

To carry out this process of debate, analysis, the articulation of argumentation, the sharing of experiences and strategies in an environment of indigenous solidarity and collective understanding, the cultural context of the indigenous worldview is always part of the design of the WILC event. The workshops and plenaries are then organized around a central theme particular to each conference.

As is evident, all the conferences until now have taken place in English speaking countries. Consequently, the WILC debates and contributions have focused on the history of our Indigenous Peoples with the colonizing systems derived from the Common Law of England while the history of the Indigenous Peoples confronting legal institutions of the states founded in the Roman Civil Law, such as the countries of Latin America, has been ignored.

In order to extend and integrate the international legal struggles of the Indigenous Peoples of the South, in the third WILC conference of 2016 in Irvine, California, the representation of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca - CRIC [Colombia] was invited to participate. It was at this third WILC of 2016 that it was proposed to take the 2020 conference to Colombia. In 2018, the representatives of the CRIC once again joined the WILC in Canada and were presented with the Ceremonial Bundle of the WILC, with the responsibility of convening and organizing the event in 2020.

The trajectory and processes of the World Indigenous Law Conference have had an organic development that emerges from the Jurisgenesis, Jurisprudence, Jurisdiction and Judgment of the Original Nations of Mother Earth.

The common front is the fight against colonization, against genocide and in defense of Human Rights and the Territories of our Indigenous Peoples. In the case of the continent of Great Turtle Island Abya Yala [Americas] in particular, a strategic basis and methodology has been developed to advance across the continent in the Dismantling of the Doctrine of Discovery.

The WILC as global geopolitical process has revealed that comparable to the system of the states, which has a planetary projection through the systems of International Law and the institution of the United Nations, the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples also express and formulate a system of planetary jurisdiction in legal terms as Indigenous Peoples with collective responsibility in the defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.

Without responsibility there is no right, and in a time of a global climate crisis that threatens the future of all humanity, the responsibility of the Indigenous Peoples to provide hope for life with justice and in harmony with Mother Earth is monumental. To take the necessary steps of strategic action in pursuit of justice, peace and balance with the natural world, is now the expectation of maturation of the processes leading to the World Indigenous Law Conference 2020 in Cauca, Colombia.


First Continental Indigenous Encounter - Quito, Ecuador 1990
Second Continental Indigenous Encounter -Temoaya, Mexico 1993
First Continental Indigenous Summit -Teotihuacan, Mexico 2000
Second Continental Summit Abya Yala - Quito, Ecuador 2004
Third Continental Summit Abya Yala Summit - Iximche, Guatemala 2007
Fourth Continental Summit Abya Yala - Puno, Peru 2009
Fifth Continental Summit Abya Yala – Cauca, Colombia 2013

Abya Yala
Continental Indigenous Uprising
2020 Spring – Fall 2020


Chikyei Tekpatl Xihuitl

19 Marzo 2020
Spring Equinox

The historical trajectory of the Continental Indigenous Movement of Self Determination has arrived a defining moment. Over the past generation, the organizing initiatives of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala have collectively gained a measure of recognition within the continental and global geopolitical regimes of the government states and their respective national constituencies.  The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted on September 13, 2007, is one such point of reference in the struggle against over five centuries of colonialism and genocide.

Yet, it was the UN General Assembly itself that in 2014 subverted the right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent by adopting a System Wide Action Plan in order to implement the Declaration as a UN bureaucratic norm instead of an international geopolitical platform to normalize the standards of a binding International Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  The right of Self Determination of Indigenous Peoples is being reduced to a process of nationalization under the UN Westphalian system of state sovereignty in violation of the International Human Right of Indigenous Self Determination as “Peoples, Equal to all other peoples…”

Marked from the First Continental Indigenous Encounter of 1990 in Quito, Ecuador, the last continental assembly of the Nations and Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala occurred in 2013 at the V Abya Yala Continental Summit, in the Cauca Territories of the Nasa Nation in Colombia.

In 2020, in the spirit of self-determination and in defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth, the Continental Commission Abya Yala calls for not yet another summit, not to install yet another event. We call for a deployment and realization of a continental EVENTUALITY, synchronized in the Uprising and Emergence of the Butterfly Suns of the Spring-Autumn Equinoxes of March and September 2020.

We call for each Original Nation of Indigenous Peoples of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala to vision, organize and exercise the Right of Self-determination as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples acting in Continental Alliance and Confederation in defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.

Such actions must be carried out and coordinated in accordance with the Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples acting in collective responsibility as the Original Nations of Mother Earth, each guided by the knowledge and example of the Teachings and Cultural Instructions of their traditional territories and ancestral watersheds.

Continental Commission Abya Yala
Secretariat: TONATIERRA
Tupac Enrique Acosta

802 N. 7th Street
Phoenix, Arizona   85006

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