Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Huitziltonal Izkaloteka: SELF DETERMINATION

Huitziltonal Chicome Acatl Xihuitl

December 22-25, 2019

Wind of the Wings of the Kundur Anka

Respect-Inclusion-Complementarity-Self Determination

December 25, 2019

December 25, 2019 - Today at sunrise, the Izkaloteka mark 2,560 days since the Origination Ceremony that took place at S'Moadoag on the Iteohuitziltonal (Winter Solstice) of December 21, 2012.

Much attention had been given that year to the correlations of the fulfillment of the 13 Baktun Long Count of the Maya Calendar which coincided on that same day, but that dawn there were only a few of us who had spent the night at S'Moadoag to greet our Father Sun in prayer, ceremony, with purpose, and vision.

Vision and sight are distinct capabilities of the beings of this world.  Vision and sight are attributes of life in response to the energy and spirit of Father Sun which like photosynthesis for the plant kindom, inform the fundamental infrastructure of our human kindom as well.  Vision and sight provide the common media of collective biometric and psychic inter-connectivity, consciousness, and reality as Nican Tlacah, Human Beings of Mother Earth.

Sight is an appreciation for the imagery of reflected light presented to the mind, vision is the clarity that comes from seeing light and simultaneously being an instrument of light - aztli, a particle and a wave of light simultaneously: Quetzalcoatl: an awakened Human Being.

In accord with ancestral cultural principles of the Izkaloteka, this is what is literally described in our identity as Nican Tlacah Cemanahuac, Children of the Original Nations of Tonantzin, our Sacred Mother Earth.

The fulfillment of the 13 Baktun at dawn on December 21, 2012 closed one long cycle of a set of 13 rounds of 144,000 days which had lasted over 5,128 years and opened a new horizon of vision for our nations of Nican Tlacah Cemanahuac.

We began once again a new beginning and have come now, 2,560 days since then to see from the High Ground of Xiuhtlaltzin, how and when this tradition of planetary liberation may be also known and felt by All Our Relatives of Mother Earth as well.

A path of the path of future generations of our Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth is to be regenerated from the foretelling of the Huitziltonal Izkaloteka: Respect - Inclusion - Complementarity - Self Determination.  

We can see now today from the high ground of the Izkaloteka the regeneration of the Izcalli Abya Yala.

Abya Yala 
Continental Indigenous Uprising
2020 Spring-Fall 2020
Huitziltonal Izkaloteka

The historical trajectory of the Continental Indigenous Movement of Self Determination has arrived a defining moment. Over the past generation, the organizing initiatives of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala have collectively gained a measure of recognition within the continental and global geopolitical regimes of the government states and their respective national constituencies.

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted on September 13, 2007, is one such point of reference in the struggle against over five centuries of colonialism and genocide.  Yet, it was the UN General Assembly itself that in 2014 subverted the right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent by adopting a System Wide Action Plan in order to implement the Declaration as a UN bureaucratic norm instead of an international geopolitical platform to normalize the standards of a binding International Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The right of Self Determination of Indigenous Peoples is being reduced to a process of nationalization under the UN Westphalian system of state sovereignty in violation of the International Human Right of Indigenous Self Determination as “Peoples, Equal to all other peoples…”
Marked from the First Continental Indigenous Encounter of 1990 in Quito, Ecuador the most recent continental convening of Indigenous Nations and Pueblos occurred in 2013 at the Fifth Continental Summit Abya Yala the Cauca Territories of the Nasa Nation in Colombia.

In 2020, in the Spirit of Self Determination and in Defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth, the Continental Commission Abya Yala calls for not yet another summit, not yet another event. We call for the unfolding and realization of a continental EVENTUALITY, synchronized upon the Uprising and Emergence of the Huitziltonal Izkaloteka (Butterfly Sun) of the Spring-Fall Equinoxes of March and September 2020.
We call for each Original Nation of Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala to vision, to organize and exercise the Right of Self Determination as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples acting in Continental Alliance and Confederation in defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.
Such actions to be realized and coordinated in accord with the Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples acting in collective responsibility as the Original Nations of Mother Earth, guided by the knowledge and example of the Traditional Teachings and Cultural Instructions of their traditional Territories and the Watersheds of their homelands.
Continental Commission
Abya Yala
Secretariat: TONATIERRA

World Water One

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