Thursday, August 17, 2017

NAFTA and the Wars of Petropolis - North America as the Master's "Big House"

The Wars of Petropolis

From the beginning of World War II on October 12, 1492 to the renegotiation of NAFTA going on TODAY in full view of the Public and the "Movement", the corporate regimes that control the political processes of the states - from Mexico, across the US and including Canada, continue to move forward their agenda of corporate exploitation and expropriation of labor and resources from Standing Rock to Rio Yaqui, from Ayotzinapa to Charlottesville

Supra-national Corporate Colonization

Under the mantle of "modernizing" the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement, the Trump administration opens the door to the plans for the final annihilation of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of the Great Turtle Island [America].

Constructed upon the cultural infrastructure of the insidious, nefarious, and intrinsically racist Doctrine of Discovery of "White" Christendom (AKA KKK) and the Doctrine of Manifest Destiny (AKA AZ-SB1070), which continue to normalize the blatant pogrom of colonization and genocide against the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala, the American Imperial Project lurches into the abyss of Climate Chaos fueled by the social pathology of "White Supremacy" in its full form as an international and global phenomena.

The call to "modernize" NAFTA conveniently does not mention the right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples which became an international standard for economic development projects impacting Indigenous Peoples and their territories on September the 13, 2007 upon adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the United Nations General Assembly.

What is being modernized is the colonizers financial and international corporate regimes of "White Power" which includes the LatinoHispanic Elites in Mexico that continue to control the reins of power of that country, now operating in both competition and collusion simultaneously just like they have been all along since their arrive on the continent as invaders from Spain, Portugal, Holland, England, and France 525 years ago.

What is being modernized is today's vision and version of the "Big House", the "Rancho Grande", the North American corporate hacienda-plantation of the global supra-national corporate Empire of Petropolis, with D.Trump as its Clown King stooge.

The Empire is naked. It has no clothes. It has vestments, and investments.

Nothing else is left.


NAFTA and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Open Letter to the Ministers of State and the Public Societies of Canada-US-Mexico


We call upon the ministers of government at all levels of Canada-US-Mexico and the public constituencies of their respective societies to address without prejudice or discrimination the above clarifications. We assert that these clarifications command rectification of the crime of colonialism and a moratorium on all NAFTA economic development projects impacting the territories of the Nations and Pueblos of Indigenous Peoples until the right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of the Indigenous Peoples is fully recognized, respected, and protected in the spirit of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as follows:

“Affirming that Indigenous Peoples are equal to all other peoples,…..”


 July 8, 2017

Without Indigenous Consultation There Can Be No Treaty 

Today, from the legal point of view, it can be categorically stated that if there is no Indigenous Consultation in Mexico there can be no total or partial renegotiation of the NAFTA that could be deemed valid.  Without the meaningful participation of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico, there is a set of national and international standards that make the total or partial renegotiation of NAFTA legally impossible.

August 17, 2017

US calls for 'major' Nafta overhaul


We, the Peoples: ENDGAME and Arpaio



Call for Indigenous Peoples March

upon visit of D.Trump to Phoenix

Tuesday August 22, 2017



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