Wednesday, November 7, 2018

OXYMORON: The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

A state whose very claim to jurisdiction on the continent is based upon the purported supremacy of the European American settler claims under the "Doctrine of Discovery" over the INTERNATIONAL PERSONALITY of the Original Nations of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala, could never extend full citizenship and EQUALITY IN LEGAL PERSONALITY to those members of the original nations over whom the purported supremacy of "Plenary Power", "Domestic Dependency" under the Doctrine have been reaffirmed time and again by the courts.

At best, the US federal system could only offer US Nationality, but not full citizenship as a fully competent "person" in US Law, equal to all other persons in terms of representation, obligations, and protections.

Treaty Rights

The 1924 legislation only allowed for the issuance of "Certificates" of citizenship, did NOT and could NOT allow for full recognition as a "PERSON" i.e. US Citizen for "INDIANS" under US law for to do so would release the Original Nations membership from the TRUST STATUS under the Department of the Interior BIA, and DISMANTLE the DOCTRINE of DISCOVERY in precedent by revealing the INHERENT INJUSTICE and JURISPRUDENCE of OPPRESSION which is based on the the concept that the EUROPEAN American (PERSON) is superior and DOMINANT over the American Indian (SAVAGE TRIBES) in the context of US settler state law.

A thousand morons trying to both ride and drive a single oxcart at the same time, couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

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