United Nations
Acknowledging that Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities,
Emphasizing the role of local communities and indigenous peoples in achieving the targets and goals set in the Convention, the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and recognizing their vulnerability to climate change,
Reaffirming the need to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, and the importance of the platform established for the exchange of experience and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner,
2. Acknowledges the fruitful exchange of views during the open multi-stakeholder dialogue that was convened by the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and co-moderated with a representative of indigenous peoples organizations during the forty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, on 16 and 17 May 2017;3
3. Notes with appreciation the support provided by Belgium and New Zealand for the participation of representatives of indigenous peoples organizations in the multi- stakeholder dialogue referred to in paragraph 2 above;
4. Welcomes the report on the proposals on the operationalization of the platform based on the open multi-stakeholder dialogue referred to in paragraph 2 above and the submissions received;4
5. Decides that the overall purpose of the platform will be to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, to facilitate the exchange of experience and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner and to enhance the engagement of local communities and indigenous peoples in the UNFCCC process;
6. Also decides that the platform will deliver the following functions:
8. Recommends that the processes under the platform, including its operationalization, take into account, inter alia, the interests and views of local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as the principles proposed by indigenous peoples organizations of full and effective participation of indigenous peoples; equal status of indigenous peoples and Parties, including in leadership roles; self-selection of indigenous peoples representatives in accordance with indigenous peoples’ own procedures; and adequate funding from the secretariat and voluntary contributions to enable the functions referred to in paragraph 6 above;
4 FCCC/SBSTA/2017/6.
Framework Convention on Climate Change
Conference of the Parties 23
Bonn, Gemany
November 6-17, 2017
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
Conference of the Parties 23
Bonn, Gemany
November 6-17, 2017
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
Forty-seventh session Bonn, 6–15 November 2017
Agenda item 13
Draft decision -/CP.23
Local communities and indigenous peoples platform
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, decision 1/CP.21 and the Paris Agreement,
Agenda item 13
Local communities and indigenous peoples platform
Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair
Recommendation of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and
Technological Advice
The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice,
at its forty-seventh session, recommended the following draft decision for
consideration and adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-third
Draft decision -/CP.23
Local communities and indigenous peoples platform
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, decision 1/CP.21 and the Paris Agreement,
Acknowledging that Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities,
Emphasizing the role of local communities and indigenous peoples in achieving the targets and goals set in the Convention, the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and recognizing their vulnerability to climate change,
Reaffirming the need to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, and the importance of the platform established for the exchange of experience and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner,
1. Notes with
appreciation the submissions from Parties,1 indigenous peoples organizations
and other relevant organizations2 on the purpose, content and structure of the
local communities and indigenous peoples platform (hereinafter referred to as
the platform);
2. Acknowledges the fruitful exchange of views during the open multi-stakeholder dialogue that was convened by the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and co-moderated with a representative of indigenous peoples organizations during the forty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, on 16 and 17 May 2017;3
3. Notes with appreciation the support provided by Belgium and New Zealand for the participation of representatives of indigenous peoples organizations in the multi- stakeholder dialogue referred to in paragraph 2 above;
4. Welcomes the report on the proposals on the operationalization of the platform based on the open multi-stakeholder dialogue referred to in paragraph 2 above and the submissions received;4
5. Decides that the overall purpose of the platform will be to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, to facilitate the exchange of experience and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner and to enhance the engagement of local communities and indigenous peoples in the UNFCCC process;
6. Also decides that the platform will deliver the following functions:
(a) Knowledge: the platform should promote the exchange of experience and best practices aiming at applying, strengthening, protecting and preserving traditional knowledge, knowledge of indigenous peoples, and local knowledge systems as well as technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, taking into account the free, prior and informed consent of the holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices;
(b) Capacity for engagement: the platform should build the capacities of indigenous peoples and local communities to enable their engagement in the UNFCCC process. The platform should also build the capacities of Parties and other relevant stakeholders to engage with the platform and with local communities and indigenous peoples, including in the context of the implementation of the Paris Agreement and other climate change related processes;
(c) Climate change policies and actions: the platform should facilitate the integration of diverse knowledge systems, practices and innovations in designing and implementing international and national actions, programmes and policies in a manner that respects and promotes the rights and interests of local communities and indigenous peoples. The platform should facilitate stronger and more ambitious climate action by indigenous peoples and local communities that could contribute to the achievement of the nationally determined contributions of the Parties concerned;
7. Further
decides to continue to work towards the full operationalization of the
8. Recommends that the processes under the platform, including its operationalization, take into account, inter alia, the interests and views of local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as the principles proposed by indigenous peoples organizations of full and effective participation of indigenous peoples; equal status of indigenous peoples and Parties, including in leadership roles; self-selection of indigenous peoples representatives in accordance with indigenous peoples’ own procedures; and adequate funding from the secretariat and voluntary contributions to enable the functions referred to in paragraph 6 above;
9. Decides that
the first activity of the platform will be a multi-stakeholder workshop on
implementing the functions referred to in paragraph 6 above, which would be co-
moderated by the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological
Advice and a representative of local
communities and indigenous peoples organizations, and that these co-moderators
would make an equal contribution to the design of the workshop;
10. Requests the
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to consider at its
forty-eighth session (April–May 2018) the further operationalization of the
platform, including the establishment of a facilitative working group, which
would not be a negotiating body under the Convention, and the modalities for
the development of a workplan for the full implementation of the functions
referred to in paragraph 6 above, with balanced representation of local
communities and indigenous peoples and Parties, and to conclude its
considerations by making recommendations to the Conference of the Parties at
its twenty-fourth session (December 2018);
11. Takes note of
the estimated budgetary implications of the activities to be undertaken by the
secretariat referred to in paragraph 9 above;
12. Requests that
the actions of the secretariat called for in this decision be undertaken
subject to the availability of financial resources.
1 Available
at http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/SitePages/sessions.aspx?showOnlyCurrentCalls=1&themes=Ada ptation&expectedsubmissionfrom=Parties&focalBodies=SBSTA.
4 FCCC/SBSTA/2017/6.
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