Thursday, December 24, 2020

Huitziltonal Nahuacalco Chikyei Tekpatl Xihuitl: SELF DETERMINATION

Huitziltonal Nahuacalco Chikyei Tekpatl Xihuitl

December 21-24, 2020

Respect - Inclusion - Complementarity - Self Determination

Huitziltonal Chicuace Tochtli Xihuitl
December 24, 2020


The Right of Self Determination
Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples

Mother Earth
"It's not about what we want, it's what we WILL."


My five-year-old grandson had been taken up to the highpoint of the mountain to observe the conjunction of the bright planets Jupiter and Saturn as they came together in evening sky, culminating on the night of December 21, 2020 during the winter solstice. This celestial spectacle of an observable alignment among the planets of our solar system was considered rare, as it’s been nearly 400 years since the planets passed this close to each other in the sky, and nearly 800 years since the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter occurred at night, which allowed everyone around the world to witness this “great conjunction.”

Giving a blunt and honest response of personal appreciation, my grandson told his parents:

"It doesn't seem that amazing to me."

When I was told about the comment, I smiled to myself in a concurrent and proportional amazement of the great power of innocence, confidence, and delivery in combination that characterizes one of the most precocious members of our family.  By the happenstance of another minor conjunction, both he and I carry the same birthday, separated by only 63 years.

In full pall of the Covid-19 winter season pandemic of 2020, when the entirety of human society across the planet is striving to counterbalance the invasive and destructive assault of a virus that does not discriminate in its victims, the evidence of a higher dimension of cosmetric relationships in the heavens that can be experienced collectively across the globe by all human beings has an organic attraction beyond any one particular culture or society.  These natural global phenomena supersede the local, regional, and provincial agendas of all social affairs, economic status, and geopolitical narratives by providing a common experiential horizon and context beyond the constraints of the daily news cycles and the tonal nature of the times.


Many other such conjunctions, alignments and convergences occur constantly within our solar system, in relationship to other solar (star) systems of our galaxy, into the heart of universe and beyond whether they are noticed or not by we human beings of earth.


Perhaps that was the clue that my grandson was planting for the older and “wiser” folks to take note of, in the form of a reminder that it’s all one sky, above. And it’s all one Earth below.

The term pandemic, (originating in the Greek terms of pandēmos from pan ‘all’ + dēmos ‘people’ + -ic), is a reference to this common denominator of human experience, but at the dimension of a contagious pathology originating in a microbe. And now as we look past the light at the beginning of the tunnel of the Covid-19 pandemic, we gaze into the heavens with a growing intention not always spoken out loud, in order to prepare ourselves for the next wave of global pathology surely to come.

For the Indigenous Peoples of this continent, the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala [Americas], the pandemic experience is not new or even unusual.  Since October 12, 1492 the ravages of being exposed to new forms of microbial pathogens introduced by the colonizers from Europe has claimed at least 57 million of our relatives of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples.  But not only us. The buffalo nations were exterminated, the old growth forests of north America were clear cut, and today the with the accelerating destruction of the Amazon and impending death of the ocean ecosystems, the genocide of colonization is being compounded by the terracide of Mother Earth.


Not even the colonizers nor their children will survive.


The Resonance of Equilibrium

HUITZILOPOCHTLI stands on the third, the highest level of the TEOCALLI (la piramide) and surveys the quadrant of the cosmos that is home to humanity.  

Under his feet a mighty force that originates from a great fire within the heart of Tonantzin, anchors him, embraces him with a power that is beyond time.  It is what the religions of the world call love and the scientists call gravity.

Huitzilopochtli looks to the West.  It is in that direction that he senses his spirit will depart from this world.  As he gazes towards the heavens, in spite of the powerful attraction of Tonantzin, our sacred Mother Earth - a sense of nostalgia and profound longing spark him into his characteristic personality mode – action. The bow of Dream Memory is drawn, his thoughts as arrows he lets fly seeking the Quetzalmazatl: the hunt is for knowledge and wisdom.  

He moves to the drum of a great heart beat, the Nahui Ollin. He sings, he dances, and then finally - he flies.

Tupac Huehuecoyotl

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