Friday, February 14, 2020

The Fraud of Crown Title in Canada

The Fraud of Crown Title in Canada

A settler state apparatus that presents its international personality before the world community as being a successor state to the nefarious Doctrine Discovery of Christendom does not have the juridical competency nor standing in international law to legitimately abolish or force surrender of the land title of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples.

Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples
are not ethnic groups of the settler states in the Americas.

Continental Commission Abya Yala


Fraud and Collusion in British Columbia, Canada:
The Rise of Risk and Uncertainty for TC Energy 

Broken News: The Canadian government colludes with industry to commit the FRAUD of proposing a policy of criminal conspiracy intended to extract the surrender of Aboriginal Title to crown sovereignty. The scheme in British Columbia is designed in order to provide “certainty” for the settler state corporate interests through legaloid mechanisms whose goal is the extinguishment of aboriginal title.

Today in light of the Standoff at Wet’suwet’en, the fraud is fraught with fear - fear of the truth: A settler state apparatus that presents its international personality before the world community as being a successor state to the nefarious Doctrine Discovery of Christendom does not have the juridical competency nor standing in international law to legitimately abolish or force surrender of the land title of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples.

Graffiti in Pahuatlán, Puebla, Mexico reads: “No to the Tuxpan–Tula Pipeline.”
The Tuxpan-Tula pipeline is one of seven TC Energy (TransCanada) projects in Mexico

"The world will not be destroyed by the wrongdoers,
but instead by those that are witness to the wrongdoing and do nothing."

CUSMA-USMCA - Indigenous Peoples from Mexico, US, Canada:

"We Deny Consent"

The Monroe Doctrine (1823) and USMCA 2020:
From the Doctrine of Discovery
to the
UN Development Goals 2030 

Regional Council of Indigenous Peoples

in Defense of the Territory Puebla-Hidalgo, Mexico
February 10, 2020
Pahuatlán, Puebla, Mexico

From Nation to Nation: Message to Wet’suwet’en

Message from Ortencia Reyes Valdivia to the defenders of the Wet’suwet’en’ Territory in the fight against the invasion of the

TC Energy Corporation (TransCanada)

[British Colombia, Canada] 

From here, from these mountains of the Sierra, our message to you is that although we may live far from each other, I believe that we have to continue fighting for our Mother Earth and to defend our natural resources for I believe that the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples are of the earth, and we are fully aware and convinced that our struggle is for life, for the life not only of our Indigenous Peoples but of the millions of people who inhabit this planet and therefore that we should not back down in our struggle, but on the contrary I believe we must look for linkages of communication so we can continue strengthening each other in the common struggle, and from here in Pahuatlán we shall also continue fighting to not let these mega-development projects advance in our traditional territories.


January 22, 2020

Defenders of the Land, Truth Campaign, Idle No More Networks

from the

Continental Commission Abya Yala
Today we extend our international recognition to the Territorial Protocols of the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs and Clans in full recognition and respect for having the force of International Law among our Confederations of Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples, and demand that these protocols of Indigenous Self Determination be ascribed to as the only future looking path to a just and peaceful relationship with the settler state systems as they now exist in North America, including Canada.


How Indigenous Mexicans Took on Big Energy and Won

A natural gas pipeline was scheduled to go online in 2017, but TransCanada wasn’t counting on indigenous resistance.

By Martha Pskowski

Arthur Manuel: Open Letter to Prime Minister Trudea

November 25, 2016


"I would like to remind you that this pipeline requires the consent of the Secwepemc people. We do not accept that the federal government can make this decision unilaterally and without the prior informed consent of the Secwepemc people as the rightful titleholders. Kinder Morgan has signed deals with a few Indian Band Councils’1 but neither the band councils nor Kinder Morgan have engaged with the Secwepemc people as the rightful titleholders. These agreements can only be made on behalf of their status as federal Indian Bands and do not represent the rightful titleholders. In fact, the agreements are made with Bands whose reserves cover less than 1% of the Secwepemc Territory along the existing Kinder Morgan Pipeline and they appear to be little more than cynical attempts to divide and conquer our people – as we have seen on so many other occasions."

A Concept of Native Title by Leroy Littlebear (1982)

If justice and fairness are underlying goals of today’s government and court system, then the concepts and the philosophy of Indian people should certainly be taken into consideration and given as much weight as British concepts and philosophy.  But if justice and fairness are not underlying goals, then we should stop covering ourselves with a false aura of sacredness and bring out things in the open, so everybody knows where they stand.  In other words, if we cannot be bothered with justice and fairness, we should, at least, be truthful.



Co-hosted by the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and Thompson Rivers University

Framework of Dominance:

UN Preliminary Study on the Doctrine of Discovery

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