Monday, May 22, 2017

From North Dakota to Arizona: Message to USACE "WE DENY CONSENT"

From North Dakota to Arizona,
from DAPL to the South Mountain 202 Freeway:

Message to the US Army Corps of Engineers


This is not a case of history repeating itself, this is an example of how the history of colonization, discrimination, and marginalization is being deliberately copied, a carbon [fossil fuel industry, AKA the Empire of Petropolis] exact copy of the policies of expropriation and exploitation of the natural resources and labor of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples across Mexico, the US and Canada in collusion under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA 1994).

What role does the CANAMEX Super Transcontinental Freeway corridor have in the design, location, and permitting processes for the South Mountain 202 Freeway Project?

As Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples whose territories are impacted by the North American Free Trade Agreement, and in DENUNCIATION that now in 2017 just as in 1994 when NAFTA was first instituted among the three governments of Canada, the US, and Mexico: no substantive consideration has been given to the Right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent by the Indigenous Peoples as referenced in Article 32 of the UN Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples (2007).

As the present Trump administration in Washington begins moving a legislative package through the US Congress to facilitate the re-negotiations in  favor of corporate interests, and as once again just as in 1994 the oligarchies of Mexico and Canada lick their lips to expand their hegemony over the tri-lateral economy of North America:


We call upon the ministers of government at all levels of Canada-US-Mexico and the public constituencies of their respective societies to address without prejudice or discrimination the above clarifications. We assert that these clarifications command rectification of the crime of colonialism and a moratorium on all NAFTA economic development projects impacting the territories of the Nations and Pueblos of Indigenous Peoples until the right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of the Indigenous Peoples is fully recognized, respected, and protected in the spirit of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as follows: 
“Affirming that Indigenous Peoples are equal to all other peoples,…

South Mountain Loop 202 Freeway Project

In solidarity with the Gila River Indian Community and all Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of the O'odham Jeved Territories we invoke the Right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent as articulated in Article 32 of the UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and: 
We Deny Consent to the South Mountain Loop 202 Freeway Project and call for the US Army Corps of Engineers to DENY THE PERMIT APPLICATION.

Report from ARIZONA STANDS on the ACTION at the US Army Corps of Engineers in Phoenix regarding the petition to DENY the PERMIT for the South Mountain 202 Freeway Loop Extension, in SOLIDARITY with the Gila River Indian Community and in repudiation of the violation of the Right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.

Action Network
Click Here to Sign the Petition 

Arizona Stands Facebook

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